Thursday, September 13, 2018

Approval by EU for controversial Copyright Directive A Go, Churches & Pastors To Be Affected by‘link tax’ and ‘upload filter’

Approval by EU for controversial Copyright Directive A Go, Churches & Pastors To Be Affected by‘link tax’ and ‘upload filter’

EU Passes Article 11 & 13 #laws #legal #law #church #preach #preacher #preachers 

  • Now we are in trouble Houston. The big media companies and music companies have teamed up to vote for Article 11 and 13. If you are a Pastor or any spiritual leader in Christ then you should know this is end times not the end game.

  • What we mean is tomorrow you shall live. Live to be able to come up with a way to get the message out. What is great about it is that leaders will not be able to preach from hearsay. They will have to come directly from the word. For musicians they won't be able to use Fair Use in order to make money. So that means cover songs are out, news from other news sources are out.


  • Since we can't use news links or news from CNN, CNBC, Forbes and other news sourcs , we have to be creative. The big media companies and music companies say that they are happy with the results of the decision but many of us small companies who do music and report news are not. Smaller companies now have to pay a link tax in order to use a story from CNN or ABC News. We do not know what the price of the link use will be just yet. It is stated that the kinks are still being worked out and should be final by December.

    We do know that many will begin implementing the law immediately so that way they can be compensated and to keep viewers going only to their websites to get the news. It is a way to cut down on fake news and watered down news along with cutting out the opinions of viewers and readers. So if you mention any news that another major story is reporting then you will be hit with a penalty or maybe sued. So we do agree with what a lot of You Tubers are saying about this that the internet will be dead. This is what the internet is all about..opinions, news and gossip but this put a major halt to it all. Only the big media companies can report it now but of course you can get a license if you desire to speak on it.

    Well this touches speakers like me deeply because my job is to be a physician to the sick. The news today is full of opinions. This is an unfair practice and just is preparing us for the near future. The government is doing this to spy on and control the citizens. So if your brother does what man say then he is in Idleness. We are to do what God said do and preach the gospel. -------> CLICK TO READ THE SCRIPTURE HERE!!

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