Thursday, September 13, 2018

Approval by EU for controversial Copyright Directive A Go, Churches & Pastors To Be Affected by‘link tax’ and ‘upload filter’

Approval by EU for controversial Copyright Directive A Go, Churches & Pastors To Be Affected by‘link tax’ and ‘upload filter’

EU Passes Article 11 & 13 #laws #legal #law #church #preach #preacher #preachers 

  • Now we are in trouble Houston. The big media companies and music companies have teamed up to vote for Article 11 and 13. If you are a Pastor or any spiritual leader in Christ then you should know this is end times not the end game.

  • What we mean is tomorrow you shall live. Live to be able to come up with a way to get the message out. What is great about it is that leaders will not be able to preach from hearsay. They will have to come directly from the word. For musicians they won't be able to use Fair Use in order to make money. So that means cover songs are out, news from other news sources are out.


  • Since we can't use news links or news from CNN, CNBC, Forbes and other news sourcs , we have to be creative. The big media companies and music companies say that they are happy with the results of the decision but many of us small companies who do music and report news are not. Smaller companies now have to pay a link tax in order to use a story from CNN or ABC News. We do not know what the price of the link use will be just yet. It is stated that the kinks are still being worked out and should be final by December.

    We do know that many will begin implementing the law immediately so that way they can be compensated and to keep viewers going only to their websites to get the news. It is a way to cut down on fake news and watered down news along with cutting out the opinions of viewers and readers. So if you mention any news that another major story is reporting then you will be hit with a penalty or maybe sued. So we do agree with what a lot of You Tubers are saying about this that the internet will be dead. This is what the internet is all about..opinions, news and gossip but this put a major halt to it all. Only the big media companies can report it now but of course you can get a license if you desire to speak on it.

    Well this touches speakers like me deeply because my job is to be a physician to the sick. The news today is full of opinions. This is an unfair practice and just is preparing us for the near future. The government is doing this to spy on and control the citizens. So if your brother does what man say then he is in Idleness. We are to do what God said do and preach the gospel. -------> CLICK TO READ THE SCRIPTURE HERE!!

    Sunday, September 9, 2018

    DAMYN Other Side Of The Glass Is Touching While Tori Kelly - Never Alone ft. Kirk Franklin Hits #1 On Billboard Charts

    DAMYN Other Side Of The Glass Is Touching While Tori Kelly - Never Alone ft. Kirk Franklin Hits #1 On Billboard Charts

    • While Tori Kelly's Gospel Pop song "Never Alone," featuring Kirk Franklin, flies in at No. 2 on Billboard's Hot Gospel Songs chart and No. 18 on Hot Christian Songs. ---->>READ HERE!!
      DAMYN an amazing recording artist who is based out of Los Angeles. Took an unconventional path to Indie Pop music. In 2009 he went on a vision quest to Madagascar, into the jagged limestone structure known as the Tsingy de Bemaraha. From this experience, he received clarity about the deep importance and power of music, and his specific purpose with it.
      Tori Kelly
      Tori Kelly

      Fulfilling this purpose would require an in depth education. That pursuit earned him a Masters of Music in Composition. DAMYN chose to apply the tools thus gained to making music in the world of Indie/Pop.
      Having honed his craft and his message over this long period of development, DAMYN is set to finish his debut album, The Dark Corners very soon in 2018.
      DAMYN's songs that we have heard are a calming type of music away from the world's norm in the world today. A more relaxing type but very inspirational and soul touching. After speaking with DAMYN we found that his music is definitely something that has purpose and will help anyone who is going through a tough time in their life.
      The music today (not including DAMYN'S) is more about commercial success and impressing record labels, you know the one's who push money down the artists' throat along with making the world a worse place.
      If we made at least half the music like DAMYN's we would see a large change in the actions of men and women. We would start caring more about ourselves and others.
      Let's see what DAMYN has to say about his latest release "Other Side Of The Glass"

      • On one level, Other Side of the Glass is an unrequited love song. This dimension of it makes it probably the most personal, and autobiographical, track on my forthcoming album.
        Then there is the broader theme of isolation in the digital age - a possible sense of connection seeming so close and yet being out of reach. I wrote the lyrics to be general enough to speak to this broader theme. And this too was personal.
        The specific experience of unrequited love had such a big impact for me because it was in a broader context, where many factors contributed to a sense of isolation. I think that these are factors which affect most of our lives. It is in this way that the song lyrically fits with the rest of the record.
        Across all the album’s tracks I’ll be exploring the aspects of our modern lives that contribute to isolation, nihilism, and our seeming inability to divorce ourselves from unsustainable trajectories. There’ll be some light at the end of the tunnel there too, as the latter portion of the record points toward healing.
        Hopefully Other Side of the Glass will make you feel something. And hopefully you’ll continue that emotional journey with the rest of the music I’m releasing in this collection. Thanks for listening.

        WHAT DOES king Stevian SAY ABOUT THIS!

        We have many songs today that claim to be Gospel but many times you don't have to label yourself as a Gospel artist to do or preach the Gospel.
        The scriptures tell us to let our light shine. CLICK HERE ----->>TO READ IT!!
      DAMYN's music shined much more than the song by the Gospel artist. It shows that there are great people in this world trying their best to make change but gets no place to shine their light. The song "On The Other Side Of The Glass" deals a lot with isolation and this is the topic today. While many major artist are thinking that they are not isolated they really are because they are tied into something that prevents them from making it into heaven.(POPULARITY & FAME) What I am speaking of is popularity, celebrity and money. READ THE SCRIPTURE HERE ON BEING POPULAR!
      God is very straight forward about what we do and how we do things. DAMYN's song screams healing without thumping a bible at the saints, but lets us know quietly and quickly........... accept Immanuel the Christ in God and healing in all areas will take place. 

      • Please click the above scriptures and study to gain wisdom and knowledge of the truth.

    Thursday, September 6, 2018

    Kaepernick & Nike Gets Much News About Their Deal - Donald Trump Hates It ( NEW Magazine COMING SOON )

    The New Magazine - Christian Cartel News , Breaking News , News , Latest News, Kaepernick , Nike , Dump Trump 2020 Campaign
    Breaking News - Nike KAEPERNICK Dump Trump 2020 Vision Campaign BeginsNike KAEPERNICK Dump Trump 2020 Vision Campaign Begins

    Nike KAEPERNICK Dump Trump 2020 Vision Campaign Begins

    • If you have been under a rock for the last thre days then your face will be too smooshed in order to read, hear or see this. CLICK HERE FOR THE ORIGINAL STORY-------->An Amazing Story!!!
      • Well Trump got to be in the White House very mad along with the NFL. He did make a comment and said it was bad for US business in a Twitter tweet.
        If you don't know who Kaepernick is.. Well..Kaepernick, was the quarterback for the San Francisco 49ers, he became part of a national debate in the end of 2016 when he started to sit out the national anthem at the start of his team's games. He explained his demonstration was to protest "a country that oppresses black people and people of color." To many it seems Donald Trump spoke out like he always does against the the minority calling them names when he supposed to been in support of our country.

        Many used to be big supporters of Trump until he just didn't stand for people of color anymore. We see it clearly as he speaks against Lebron James black media host and even blacks and Mexicans who worked for him in the White House.
        #BreakingNews #Story , Kaepernick and Nike , Dump Trump 2020 Campaign , king Stevian

        Many who support Trump are going against NIKE and started burning their shoes CLICK HERE TO SEE VIDEO------> and other NIKE gear.
        This shows how racism is still part of this generation and many who support it really don't know the history of what it took for us to work side by side regardless of skin tone color. Nike (from what many media outlets say) have planned this campaign out before it launched and knew that it would be a lot of push back. But Nike has made over 43 million dollars SEE NEWS ON IT HERE---> in free advertisement and publicity because of it.
        • Again they predicted this so if you are smart in business and finances then you'll know that every business has to account for waste, theft, loss and other things that might affect the top or bottom line. and it seems this helped.

        WHAT DOES king Stevian SAY ABOUT THIS!

    Monday, September 3, 2018

    McDonald Brothers Paid Ray Kroc Like Spotify Pay Artist With Music Streaming

    McDonald Brothers Paid Ray Kroc Like Spotify Pay Artist With Music Streaming

    #BreakingNews #Story : #McDonalds #Spotify are the same in a way. McDonald Brothers , Ray Kroc & Spotify, Music Streaming

    Spotify & McDonald's Brothers Gave & Gives The Same Deal

    • Now it was between 2 to 5 years ago well somewhere in there (2015) when the movie "The Founder" came out which is the story on (CLICK HERE FOR FULL STORY)Ray Kroc & McDonalds starting.

      • In the movie we see that Mr. Kroc was persistent at franchising the McDonald's brand after seeing the inside system and hearing of the failed franchise attempts previously. Later on when Ray met Harry J. Sonneborn who got him in the real estate business causing him to lease property to the franchisees. He also got a loan which was for buying out the McDonald brothers. Before the real estate transactions Mr. Harry J. Sonneborn told Mr. Kroc that he was in the real estate business and he could not build an empire off of 1.4% of a .15 cent hamburger.
      This brings us to our point about Spotify. The music streaming service that is said to pay artist small percentages of a penny. Once we did the math that Mr.Harry J. Sonneborn said to Ray Kroc we found out this is the same percentage that the McDonald Brothers offered Ray. And low and behold he signed off on it.
      MATH 0.15 Cents x 1.4% = .0021. This is 21% of a penny which is the average of a pay per song play on Spotify for the recording artist and label. On most cases in goes up to .0031 cents per penny but not much more than that. This makes us wonder the ending that happened to the McDonald Brothers was it well deserved or not. And were they trying to rip Ray Croc off. Well we see some things never change and many streaming companies have adopted the percentage of a penny pay system. But when we do the math per burger if Ray would've gotten that percentage for a billion burgers served per day it would equal $2,100,000 per day. Not bad at all giving him a $766,500,000 royalty salary per year. That's close to a billion dollars yearly.
      So should artist push for a billion daily streams? Or find a way to get to that many plays daily?
      WHAT DOES king Stevian SAY ABOUT THIS!

      • Now the story above angers many and many it makes happy. And this is because a lot of times we see crooks get away clean and free and other times they get what they deserve. But going into God's word you can make your decision on it the McDonald Brother's deserved it.

      • Well we know both the McDonald brothers and Mr. Kroc did work so both deserved pay. But it w3as the one who did the major work that deserved the major pay. And that would be......... Ray Kroc. Regardless of what a contract says the word in (Click Here to read the scripture) 1 Timothy 5:18 For the scripture saith, thou shalt not muzzle the ox that treadeth out the corn. And, The labourer is worthy of his reward.

        So what this means is when Mr. Kroc asked the brothers for a raise in the percentage for doing all the work to bring in money for them and the franchisees, they should've done it with ease but they didn't. So they muzzled the ox. They also didn't give Mr. Kroc his worthy reward.

    #BreakingNews Headlines #BreakingNews #Story : #McDonalds #Spotify are the same in a way. McDonald Brothers , Ray Kroc & Spotify, Music Streaming

    #BreakingNews Headlines #BreakingNews #Story : #McDonalds #Spotify are the same in a way. McDonald Brothers , Ray Kroc & Spotify, Music Streaming

    Breaking News Headlines: Click Here for Breaking News Headlines that gives you the latest news like CNN News. Our breaking news is unlike Fox News and Google but is most exciting because of the Christian twist it has.

    Saturday, September 1, 2018

    Musicians this could hurt your touring times and late night studio hours - EU Not Supporting Daylight Saving Time

    Musicians this could hurt your touring times and late night studio hours.


    Clock changes: EU backs ending daylight saving time

    The EU made the spring/autumn clock change the rule in all member states in 1996, based on the argument that it would reduce energy costs. But the Commission says the data on energy-saving is inconclusive.

    There is also no reliable evidence that the clock changes reduce traffic accidents, the Commission says.

    What are the EU's current time zones?

    There are three standard time zones:
    • Three states apply GMT (the UK, Ireland and Portugal)
    • 17 have Central European Time, which is GMT+1
    • Eight have Eastern European Time, which is GMT+2
    The current seasonal clock changes are controversial partly because there is a big difference in daylight hours experienced by Scandinavia and by southern Europe.
    Nordic countries have long, dark nights in winter and short nights in summer. The pattern in the south is more even across the seasons.
    There are anomalies too. For example, neighbours Portugal and Spain are in different time zones, as are Sweden and Finland.

    What is the situation in the UK?

    The UK adopted Daylight Saving Time in 1916, along with many other nations involved in World War One, in order to conserve coal.

    It followed years of pressure from William Willett, a great-great-grandfather of Coldplay singer Chris Martin.

    But the UK has had its own debate about time zones.

    In 2011, the government proposed a three-year trial of moving to Central European Time, so the time would be GMT+1 in winter and GMT+2 in summer.

    The change would have meant lighter evenings but darker mornings, and one of the arguments was that it would reduce accidents. But it was abandoned after opposition from Scotland and northern England, where some areas would not have seen daylight until 10am under the proposal.

    Your views from across Europe

    Emma in Finland
    As a Finn who has lived across Scandinavia I wholeheartedly welcome this initiative.
    There have been times that I have fallen asleep at 16:00 in the afternoon or have not seen sunlight for several days due to the times I started and finished work.

    WHAT DOES king Stevian SAY ABOUT THIS!!
    • So by eliminating God's 30 day calendar they try to put themselves as the creator of time and days. This is how they fool us to worshiping them. (SEE HERE!!) In the book of Isiah the word tells us

      if we do not live according to God's word then the light is not in us. So by living according to man's time and calendar days we are full of darkness making us not in the light or not having it in us. this causes us to be marked by the beast.  
    • Please click the above scriptures and study to gain wisdom and knowledge of the truth.