Monday, May 3, 2021

Government Exposed To Free US Citizens On king Stevian July 21st Trap Tithe 3 Album

Government Exposed To Free US Citizens On king Stevian July 21st Trap Tithe 3 Album

After coming off a African double platinum album (TRAP TITHE 2), king Stevian jumps backk into the studio almost 2 years later to add S-Words to the battle.

Many joined the fight beside king Stevian but many wasn't chosen so being down from 230 kings and Queens nationwide king Stevian goes into battle against government corruption with now less than 15 kings and Queens.Since March the king has been promoting his upcoming Trap Tithe 3 album on YouTube and many other social network platforms to raise awareness of government slavery . His upcoming album will be a double album with close to 50 tracks packed with knowledge.

The first track which is the album's introduction has 2 versions, one that is a briefing of the albums songs explained by king Stevian. The second version which is a rap version that speaks of the indians, moors and truth about trust. The track is a powerful introduction for many who do not know that the government operate on usufructary.The single is out now here for free.

Amazingly on his second single entitled " Clash Your S-Words " he goes from 0 to 100 real quick. He gives listeners the truth, full history of the trust and estate fraud. king Stevian also tells the Pope (after he called the king Lord) bump what he called him and to clash his sword. The song is 1000% full of education for the public to join the fight and get free and to secure their bloodlines.

The song is free to download here - CLASH YOUR S-WORDS :

To get more info on the kings and Queens contact king Stevian at 850-345-4120

Christian Cartel PR