Monday, December 30, 2019

Federal & Local Agencies For Child Support Attacked By king Stevian Trap Tithe II Going Gold

Federal & Local Agencies For Child Support Attacked By king Stevian Trap Tithe II Going Gold
.Trap Tithe II has surpassed Kenya Gold and is headed to platinum. king Stevian says the album is dedicated to those who are fighting the child support system nationwide ..
..king Stevian has worked on his Trap Tithe II album for two years almost and has figured out why it took so long to finish. See the interview below to find out why.
" it's not my movement it's our movement "  - king Stevian

CCP: So the album has gone gold. How does it feel?

king Stevian: It feels normal but good in a sense.

CCP: Elaborate 

king Stevian: Well it's not about money or gold, its all about the numbers. Even though the album is moved in Kenya it's many countries going to the download site in Kenya to download and take notice that it's our kind that runs this site.

CCP: Is this why you released Trap Tithe II on it?

king Stevian: Yes and also becaue I interact with followers directly and the relationship with the different music sites in Kenya are direct.

CCP: Speaking of direct, I see you are going directly at the government child support system on this album. Whats the beef with the agency?

king Stevian: Like any beef in a body system it takes a long time to get it out. I went vegan after having so much beef in my system so that's the same thing me and my fellow kings are doing....getting rid of the bad and inputting the natural. The natural way is taking care of our children in private and in order to do that we gotta get back to the Lord's laws.

CCP: So are you saying the government system is not godly?

king Stevian: That's exactly what I'm saying. What a man and woman does in their private is their personal not a public business like a birth certificate or marriage license .

CCP: Is that what you are trying to accomplish with this latest album?

king Stevian: Not trying....doing? Many kings nationwide has joined this fight thats why we're called the 100 kings. We stand together and fight together.

CCP: I did hear one of the reviews on YouTube and can see that you all have some organizing that needs establishing. What do you see for the near future with your 100 kings movement ?

king Stevian: First let me say it's not my movement it's our movement , family, army, government , church all in one.What the Lord showed me he revealed and still is to the hearts of the kings amongst us and they know. This is private and is not to be revealed until the right time.

CCP: From hearing the album, I can tell you have a passion for others.

king Stevian: That passion is the second commandment of the Lord. Love others like you love yourself and by doing this as said in Mathew 25 you will be doing for Yeshua.Know I'm not free unless the one"s the Lord sent me to help are free.

CCP: I understand . Do you think Trap Tithe II will help do just that?

king Stevian: Trap Tithe II is just the spark and the other albums after...., like the upcoming 100 kings album will be the fire before the bomb explodes. There will be many that comeand we will have 200, 300 up to 1000 kings. All needed to tear this corrupt , money hungry, slave driver system down.

CCP: I noticed you're not giving out much detail about your plans against the government.

king Stevian: Well if everyone go listen to the album which is on YouTube, Tidal, Spotify,iTunes, Apple Music and iHeart Media they'll hear everything just about.

CCP: Well thank you king for speaking with Christian Cartel PR and congratulations on going gold , we hope to see you again for another interview on your next success dealing with this child support issue .

king Stevian: And I thank you, I'll definitely welcome ya'll back for part two.

Christian Cartel PR

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Child Support Gets Attacked Nationwide By king Stevian

Child Support Gets Attacked Nationwide By king Stevian
Child Support Gets Attacked Nationwide , king Stevian , trap tithe 2, kanye west Jesus Is king
December 21st is approaching. Just as the barbarians were rising in Rome well so are the kings under the high King Elohim.
Slavery has a new form and under the local courts nationwide are many dark rulers that are doing the anti Christ works. But king Stevian a leader in the revolution against Child Support has an album coming out December 21st that has many tracks attacking the Title 4 D agencies nationwide.
Subscribe to king Stevian”s YouTube Channel to hear all the things the government is lying about . Also watch the Trap Tithe II trailer to see what is going to be on the album.

Thursday, February 21, 2019

The Light Shines In The Darkness With Music On Over 30 Coast 2 Coast Mixtapes With CitySide Records & Family

The Light Shines In The Darkness With Music On Over 30 Coast 2 Coast Mixtapes With CitySide Records & Family
.CitySide has landed on their 30tth Coast 2 Coast Mixtape! This a great thing because they now boast oops I mean show over 101,000 streams just on the Coast 2 Coast MixTape brand.
This calls for a celebration and to show it on the 30th Mixtape, they have not just landed 1 artist on this one but 3 recording ministry artist. #14 is king Stevian, #15 is his 4 year old granddaughter Kaylee Kaylee and UGA Entertainment artist and Minister Gidionn The Overseer. All the tracks are back to back behind each other which signals Coast 2 Coast intended on them being together……Thanks guys!!
#Coast2Coast Hottest in #Florida Vol. 14
Featuring: king Stevian,Kaylee Kaylee and Gidionn The Overseer

Another thing to add about the milestone is that the MixTape is a home  mixtape which the ministry is from Florida so it’s an awesome compliment for the 30th MixTape milestone.
CitySide Records launched in 1999 asa secular label and in 2007 was converted over to a Godly ministry record company and label.The ministry has sold over 2 million records worldwide respectfully going p0latinum over 5 times in the continent of Africa and once in the US. The ministry has a music catalog close to 1000 tracks which has ministered to and in 320 countries winning numerous souls and healing the sick with their army of ministry physicians’.

Christian Cartel PR
Coast 2 Coast Mixtapes,CitySide Records,king Stevian , CitySide Records, 30 Mixtapes celebration.
..Coast 2 Coast Mixtapes,CitySide Records,king Stevian , CitySide Records, 30 Mixtapes celebration.

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Trump Needs To Be Warned With Reality Well Let king Stevian On Corinne Crimson Remix Song Cold Explain Real Love

Corinne Crimson Song Cold Remix featuring king Stevian Adds Holy Heat And Warms Up In 2019
king Stevian starts man's year off with Cold (REMIX) with Corinne Crimson. king Stevian blesses the introduction of the song telling God if His love was ever taken away it would be cold like a kid with brain freeze. A awesome punch line to start with but know that the song is about love being compared to heat. Corinne Crimson a pop indie artist explains if the love is taken away it would be like that of the cold weather. she then goes on to give detail on how the warmth of love feels. king Stevian gives his ending verse about the blood of Christ heating Him up and that all credit goes to God as the Lord heats him up from the beginning to the end. Makes you want to watch a great Christian movie during the cold weather while being under a warm blanket. This remix definitely takes you to a warm place as the bass and vibe of the entire song puts warm chills through you. An awesome song to listen to in any season.
Listen to the Remix below and give the 2 a vote for the upcoming mixtape placements.

1. Pop Genre - Pop Mixtape Voting
2. Hottest in Florida - State of Florida Voting
3. R&B Genre - R&B Mixtape Voting
4. EDM Genre - EDM Mixtape Voting
5. Hottest in The United Kingdom - United Kingdom Mixtape Voting
Christian Cartel PR