Thursday, March 31, 2016

For Artist From CitySide Records - 4 Day Streaming Promotions Merging Spotify With,spotify,for artist,CitySide Records
Well musicians here is some important news following the king of Christian Rap king Stevian. After doing some research with our own music on Spotify and after partnering our music playlist with our label CitySide Records found out that using the share (short for SharePlaylists)  that our plays increased by 50%. Now before we go on know that this also included using the share button to Facebook onto our own pages, main page and Facebook Group pages.

This was all done as a test. Now the important thing was we got transparency out of it by knowing the number of plays we were getting. But what's funny is but really not is God knew how to lead us to understanding. See at the same time we found and signed up our distributor CD Baby decides to give us a trnding chart of the top 10 songs played from the last 7 days. So after keeping watch of the number on the share we then viewed the date on CD Baby and found that the numbers were accurate. We started the playlist on the 24th of March which today is the 27th and it said 4 days ago on the share but when we went to the Baby (Short for CD Baby) we put it the day of the 24th and found after changing the trend dates, that it matched the share's date when we launched. And by the way the Playlist is here - and it is our Christian Dictionary featuring the great Queen Tandra Bell. 

Now before you go ranting about the small numbers of plays know that this was a simple test which was passed so if you want more plays just share it m ore throughout the day using the share button. By the way there is a Google + button on the far right hand side then back to the top of the playlist is Facebook and Twitter. Now if you know like we know, know that from one play you get paid 3 times, mechanical, writers and publisher share.

So lets recap the numbers from 4 days we got from the test 186 plays but the playlist on the share was only 24 times. Since there are only 25 songs on the album/playlist that gives an avg of 7 plays per track which we see it as 7 listeners even though it shows 24. And know many might not listen to all the album or playlist which brings us into the top 10 songs bottomed out at 17 streams which gives a result in the last 15 track getting anywhere from 16 to 1 play(s) and this is how we get the 7 average.
So when you have a way to cross reference your analytics you can prepare to match your statements up with your plays or have a ball park of what you will get paid or have to pay your band even artist.

Please subscribe to our blog and play at least 3 tracks from our playlist and we will add your music to our list of popular Spotify Playlist. So add your songs or albums in the comment sections and we will make it do what it do.

Christian Cartel PR division of CitySide Records