Thursday, November 24, 2016

MUST READ! Truth Told God Spoke - king Stevian Says He Agrees

.Government Lied, Mathew 15, 1 Timothy 4,.Mark 7:7 ,


This is the message received which is true and given by God and can be proven.


You are currently marked by the beast. You call to God in heaven but are not heard because of your disobedience to God. You do the traditions of man and make the ones of God of none effect by doing so. For instance marriage with a license, giving a tithe to God which is not giving at all but giving Him a debt! LOOK AT YOUR MONEY..IT'S A NOTE Definition of is a bill, a debt. You give God 10% of your own debt? Why? Do you not know you work for a debt! Do you now know that the country is in debt more and more because you work and because the false god (the government) prints it making the debt deeper? The word says YOU ARE FREE! Well why do you work for man and not God full time? We walk by faith and not by sight (THE JUST LIVES BY THIS) but you still want to see a check on payday instead of solely waiting on God's pay so your family and those around you can live.GET OUT OF THEIR SYSTEM NOW, LOSE THE SS# AND BIRTH CERTIFICATE BECAUSE YOU ARE ALREADY MARKED BY KEEPING IT! A new creature has a new name (What is yours?) not that of old as it has passed away. But you still hold onto the old. You say obey the laws of the land? In Romans the spirit spoke of the commandment laws and not man's commandments. Read: Mark 7:7, 1 Timothy 4:1, Mathew 15 1-9. God didn't tell you to live by man's doctrine/laws and He didn't make them but man did for a profit. Why do you do what is not in scripture? Is it because man said it? Get a marriage license,Drivers license, Social Security Card or more. Why make a mouse trap for yourselves when you were free? A king or Queen is not ruled by another but only our God in heaven and not 2 different ones.May the holy spirit allow you to meditate on the scriptures spoken and know preparation is almost over because the groom is coming!

In Jesus name...   AMEN


Tuesday, October 25, 2016

blood defense,CitySide Comedy , Hillary Clinton , Donald Trump , Bill Clinton ,Exposed , White House

CitySide Comedy , Hillary , Obama , king Stevian ,

Album Artwork

.After the smoke clears from the last debate many didn't remember that Hillary was applauded by Obama saying Trump got swept like a 3peat. Really meaning just like an NBA final it was 3 to none for Trump.

Well to go on the attack king Stevian who plays Prophet Politics with CitySide Comedy Crew and it's newly formed comedy label CitySide Comedy  put them both in their place. He was doing comedy but a lot of the comedy sayings were not funny. Not because it was bad but because it was serious. The full 10 minute will be released this Friday the 28th in partnership with CitySide Records. king Stevian who will have you laughing mostly through the whol;e 10 minutes even gave sounds of Clinton in the White House repaying Bill Clinton back for cheating with Monica L. In it Bill yelled like a little boy when he found Hillary in the White House with another man. And this is going to be the thing that is talked about by many for years to come if she wins.

This being the label's ( CitySide Comedy ) first comedy single release let's us know that it will be educational as well as funny which we all need instead of being too serious all the time. king Stevian stated a week ago that the label had launched and only 7 days later a full sinfle is being released.

You can sample the Single here -

The producer got the laughter itch after watching Kevin Hart's successful movie "What Now" which featured Halle Berry and many more a list actors. king Stevian let us know that it's not all about laughter but informing the public of the news that they may missed or misinterpreted. Well we can't wait to hear the rest Friday because the snippet is too short to laugh at except the name Prophet Politic ... lol Middle name Paula and last name Tick like on a dog. this guy needs help well we'll be there listening to the download Friday or streaming it on Spotify if it's not an amazon exclusive.


Christian Cartel PR

Friday, September 30, 2016

Eye’s Haven’t Seen – But A Prophecy You Have Heard Jay Z & king Stevian , Weinstein Company Get’s Hungry Into Film And TV

Eye's Haven't Seen , Prophecy , Have Heard , Jay Z , king Stevian , Hungry , Film , TV ,
Image result for ROC NATION PNG LOGO
It seems one has eyes on Hollywood and the other Holywood.
"I've been waiting for the permission to praise God through pictures"
                                                                               - king Stevian

Just recently about at the same dog on time,.....Jay Z and his Roc Nation starred in a short film about The War On Drugs. And king Stevian began shooring for the Jacksonville ministry End-Time Revelation Deliverance Ministry to help build the ministry's filming ministry / media channel. See the snippet from the upcoming 1st official release below.
Jay Z recently has signed an exclusive first-look deal with The Weinstein Company to generate movies and scripted and unscripted TV. Carter has been involved in such pics as Annie, Top Five and The Great Gatsby and is looking to elevate his presence. TWC has a two-year overall deal and already has a couple of projects that will be announced soon. This follows a first-look deal for The Weinstein Company with Southpaw director Antoine Fuqua.
So looks as Jay Z is hungry to stay busy in order maybe so he can remain a top lister on the Forbes Hip Hop king's list.
But whatever he is doing all we know is he is grinding but in Christian news king Stevian is Godly Grinding. But he is doing it for God's kingdom in order to win souls while giving God praise through pictures and short films. The king told sources "I've been waiting for the permission to praise God through pictures" he went on to say that his ministry has a little over 10 businesses that are ministry purpose driven like the others and he had to wait for the right season for total vision fruition
king Stevian and ministry already this past July straight out purchased land and property in Jacksonville, Florida for their 1st official owned ministry office and studios. From what we know this will serve as a imitation of the vision God gave him for the previous Tallahassee location. king did say that it has not been easy with doubling up every entity they have in Tallahassee (like the Professional Mobile Detailing Co., Wedding D.J. Service & Record Label).  But as we know Apple or Microsoft or even Joel Olsteen's Ministry wasn't built overnight and it's going to take much spiritual material to build up God's house here on earth. But let the scripture speak..... Let it be on earth as it is in heaven.
Congrats to king Stevian & Jay z on their new endeavors and we wish you guys many blessing in righteousness.

Christian Cartel PR

Monday, September 19, 2016

Music Company CSE Major Holdings Muzik Invest in Car Wash Jacksonville & Car Wash Tallahassee

Car Wash Jacksonville ,Car Wash Tallahassee , Extend , ,Couch , Home ,Carpet Cleaning ,

Now before going off on the Christian business know that expansion businesswise isn't just for corporate America. Ministries in God and Christ has to be expanded too in order to reach more of the lost. Especially in a terrible time as this one.

king Stevian told sources last year that the ministry he is king of was to expand and they are doing just that. God has given him more knowledge and enlarged his territory in order to win more souls. And having more gifts is definitely doing that. Last month king Stevian's team closed on it's first property in Jacksonville, Florida and are in the start of renovations. But to add to that the subsidiaries of home carpet cleaning and couch cleaning has been added to the Auto Detailing arm in Tallahassee first and next in Jacksonville. king Stevian told many that it's been ruff and tedious but him and his team are hanging in there to get it done smoothly. Going back and forth to Jacksonville from Tallahassee each week is new to king Stevian but he says it preps him for the ride back and forth state to state and then country to country soon.

king tells us that the ministry's detailing companies have increased the price on details by 20% to cover industry cost increase and to cover the new quality work and chemicals it has. But from what we know less water is being used but more muscle too which keeps God's minister's in shape to prepare them for the highways and byways physically. king Stevian says since an investment from it's music subsidiary, the ministry and it's D.J. Wedding service has increased enormously both in Tallahassee and now in Jacksonville so being obedient to God in Christ helps a;ways.

To know more of CitySide Ministries 2 subsidiaries visit their websites below and also watch their demo videos on Youtube.

1. Car Wash Tallahassee

2. Party Wedding D.J. Jacksonville

3. Car Wash Jacksonville

4. Party Wedding D.J. Tallahassee



Christian Cartel PR

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

BreakingNews First Ever Hip Hop Pregnancy Songs Album to Be released by CitySide Music Ministries

BREAKING NEWS - #BreakingNews First Ever Hip Hop Pregnancy Songs Album To Be released By CitySide Music Ministries ,

It is prophecy that God's spirit will be poured out on all and the babies and mothers giving birth will have that spirit very soon. CitySide Ministries won't stop ministering to women. Early this year they ramped up their business with their D.J. Service doing weddings and now are reaching out again to the pregnant but in a different way.

LISTEN TO THEIR Earlier Album Release Pregnancy Birthing Album Here -


Did we mention that this is the 1st ever Hip Hop Pregnancy Album done in Hip Hop?

Well yes that's what this is all about. No one in Hip Hop has ever done an album dedicated to mothers who are about to give birth. There are many classical and piano instrumental albums out there but none that says or embeds Hip Hop. This is for the mothers who love hip hop beats and love meditation music which this is all in one so that it satifies both sides of the fence...Classical and Hip Hop.

The album will feature 50 instrumental tracks produced by the ministry's producer D.J. Stevie Tee and all tracks will be for different purposes such as pain, fear, relaxing, meditating, prayer, fatigue, breathing and more. The tracks also will be prayed over by volunteer pastors that the ministry will include so each track will be anointed before going out on radio and in mp3 players of the women and listeners who will use the instrumental  tracks for birthing.

Many don't know that ministry is more than speaking in a church , it's doing for the least of others and king Stevian the head of CitySide Ministries says that providing mothers with music that they can relate to that also soothes their mind, body and soul is ministry. (The Album will be free on Spotify)  And that it is but it also gives hope to the mother that they will have a healthy pregnancy in God which will also remind them that God is present. Many might say that they don't know what they think about when giving birth besides the pain felt or the people in the room and of course seeing the baby's face for the first time. But knowing God is there gives what you see and who you are with a bigger meaning when giving birth. And know now that CitySide Music Ministries is bringing something new so that God is always remembered, acknowledged and glorified before, during and after the baby's birth.

God Did It!

Christian Cartel PR

Saturday, June 18, 2016

BREAKING #NEWS The king Stevian Birthday Will Begin A Journey Of 500 Daily Devotional – Daily Readings Volume 1 Though 10

BREAKING #NEWS The king Stevian Birthday Will Begin A Journey Of 500 Daily Devotional - Daily Readings Volume 1 Though 10,

Daily Readings Post Feature Image

king Stevian just announced the news of his ministry aquiring real estate property to launch the first official fully owned church home for his ministry. And now comes more news and the king has announced before releasing his last Christian Rap CD / Digital Album ever, he has spilled the beans that him and his ministry will be releasing 500 spiritual devotional tracks which will include classical and meditation music behind them all to compliment the word of the Lord our God.

.The first release is set for the day of the king's 42nd Birthday (July 21st). Each release will carry 50 devotions for 2 months with giving 5 days of meditation after every 5 teachings during each month.So on the 6th day mediatation comes for the readers to digest each weeks study. A great thing in adapting to the transformation of digital streaming and downloads. Many church leaders remain in tradition by doing bible studies in their churches and never leaving the 4 walls.Not giving the devoting time to the lost but this way CitySide Ministries will reach the world in hopes to making change.

The world right now needs to be drawn in by God and He is truly using the king and his ministry to reach those who are in the highways and byways, listening to radio, surfing the net for music and other things. king Stevian says that there's no where to go but up and he is raising nations of leaders in Christ Jesus only with the power and wisdom God gives him. It seems the king is getting away from Christian Rap and dedicating the next step of his ministry to speaking more of the word directly to sinners and saints worldwide. A lot will miss the teachings he done through music (LISTEN HERE)

Well be on the lookout for the first single which drops Friday June 24th titled Daily Readings M1 D1 which simply means Month 1 Day 1 Daily Devotional .

Christian Carel PR


Sunday, June 12, 2016

BREAKING NEWS Hair Extensions Braids & Weave Tallahassee Launches By Holy Hustle Management For Styles By Tyra

Hair Extensions Braids & Weave Tallahassee , Holy Hustle Management , Styles By Tyra ,

A new venture for the Tallahassee area led by king Stevian and his Holy Hustle Management team will ope doors for other businesses. Seemingly like following the footprints of Jay Z and his Roc Nation Management label , king Stevian hopes to sign many businesses to something that can bring more jobs to the Tallahassee area.

king Stevian told sources that after being led by the Holy Spirit to expand the Party D.J. Tallahassdee DJ Service that it was a must to add more to his ministry's plate. By partnering up with Styles By Tyra a thriving local hair business, it was a no brainer to do a deal.

king Stevian said that there are plenty women in the church and other places that need direct access to a person who can assist them in their hair groom for weddings, events, work and more is a benefit to doing business with a Christian entity. king Stevian stated that being the light to other businesses that are not Christian based will hopefully bring them to Christ. 
Especially after they see that doing business with Christian businesses and church families the note that God  has much to give.

Holy Hustle Management which is currently being led by Jason Sampson seeks to keep epanding by year end as part of the course to enlarging nationwide.

View Styles By Tyra website which is currently under construction here:

Businesses on Tallahassee who seek to partner with Holy Hustle should contact them at 850-345-4120.


May God continue to bless these businesses in Jesus name.

Christian Cartel PR


Thursday, March 31, 2016

For Artist From CitySide Records - 4 Day Streaming Promotions Merging Spotify With,spotify,for artist,CitySide Records
Well musicians here is some important news following the king of Christian Rap king Stevian. After doing some research with our own music on Spotify and after partnering our music playlist with our label CitySide Records found out that using the share (short for SharePlaylists)  that our plays increased by 50%. Now before we go on know that this also included using the share button to Facebook onto our own pages, main page and Facebook Group pages.

This was all done as a test. Now the important thing was we got transparency out of it by knowing the number of plays we were getting. But what's funny is but really not is God knew how to lead us to understanding. See at the same time we found and signed up our distributor CD Baby decides to give us a trnding chart of the top 10 songs played from the last 7 days. So after keeping watch of the number on the share we then viewed the date on CD Baby and found that the numbers were accurate. We started the playlist on the 24th of March which today is the 27th and it said 4 days ago on the share but when we went to the Baby (Short for CD Baby) we put it the day of the 24th and found after changing the trend dates, that it matched the share's date when we launched. And by the way the Playlist is here - and it is our Christian Dictionary featuring the great Queen Tandra Bell. 

Now before you go ranting about the small numbers of plays know that this was a simple test which was passed so if you want more plays just share it m ore throughout the day using the share button. By the way there is a Google + button on the far right hand side then back to the top of the playlist is Facebook and Twitter. Now if you know like we know, know that from one play you get paid 3 times, mechanical, writers and publisher share.

So lets recap the numbers from 4 days we got from the test 186 plays but the playlist on the share was only 24 times. Since there are only 25 songs on the album/playlist that gives an avg of 7 plays per track which we see it as 7 listeners even though it shows 24. And know many might not listen to all the album or playlist which brings us into the top 10 songs bottomed out at 17 streams which gives a result in the last 15 track getting anywhere from 16 to 1 play(s) and this is how we get the 7 average.
So when you have a way to cross reference your analytics you can prepare to match your statements up with your plays or have a ball park of what you will get paid or have to pay your band even artist.

Please subscribe to our blog and play at least 3 tracks from our playlist and we will add your music to our list of popular Spotify Playlist. So add your songs or albums in the comment sections and we will make it do what it do.

Christian Cartel PR division of CitySide Records